Initial Care
Week one Water, water, water! Water is the most important ingredient in establishing any lawn. Watering keeps the roots fresh and the ground soft, helping the plant to re-establish itself with new root growth. After laying your Canturf, water the lawn enough to keep the soil profile continuously moist for the first seven days. Also control your pets during this time as the soft ground can ‘footprint’ easily and urine spots can cause damage. Week two You’ve made it through the hard part and the lawn should be looking great.
In the second week change to a deep watering pattern of two or three times a week to encourage a deep root growth.
By day 10 your Canturf should be getting long enough (75 mm) and firm enough to mow. The first mow should be about 65 to 70 mm, in about a weeks time you can begin regular mowing at not less than 50mm. Mowing too short will weaken the turf by exposing the plant to extreme weather and traffic and can also encourage weeds. For a guide to recommended mowing heights please see the chart below.
After two weeks fertilise your new lawn using Canturf’s Grow Green fertiliser to help with colour, health and continued root development. Spread Grow Green at a rate of 35 grams per square meter and thoroughly water afterwards. With your new lawn you will receive a voucher for a free pack of Canturf Grow Green fertiliser which is redeemable at selected garden centres.